Friday, January 13, 2006

derbyshire is cold

especially when you're living in a refurbished old farmhouse in the hills. i thought, mistakenly, that the next several months would be a relief from snowy-ass new england. it is, to the extent that it's different, and there isn't really snow. but oh, it's a DAMP cold here. it gets in your lungs. and at my family stay, it was the kind of thing you imagine Cathy died from on the moors (that, and a goddamn broken heart). i wore two pairs of socks.
so i was at Peep-O-Day Farm (not really a proper farm) in Chinley, Derbyshire, with a family of four plus a dog. it was great fun, actually: warm, comfortable people, lots of wine, and a little friendly sightseeing in and around the area. our first full day there, all the families got together with lots of kids and as many dogs, and we went on a walk through Lyme Park. the weather was awful, but this was amply made up for by the fact that we were walking around PEMBERLEY. yes, from the bbc version. yes, i have pictures.
was there a lake, you ask? there may have been one or two. the dogs got very muddy after the walk, so they had to bathe in the lake pictured here. i will let you imagine, or recall, who else might have gone for a swim in this particular lake.

enough about the family visit. i am, actually, at oxford, and have been for just about 48 hours. it was a gorgeous day when we arrived and there might have been tears in my eyes when i walked through the gates of my college. the next time the sun is out, i will trek around with my camera everyone can get a sense for Worcester. let me just say now that there are two families of ducks, who quack outside my window in the morning and putter around the Pump Quad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god for facebook and hours of unadulterated procrastination. i am spending my reading period browsing updated profiles and friending old lycee folk. conclusion: i have no life and no future.

10:02 PM  
Blogger Champagne Socialist said...

do you think people die of broken hearts in warm climes????

I think not.

9:13 AM  

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