Saturday, December 31, 2005


less than two hours into the new year, and i have successfully grumped at both parents. i leave the house in another twelve hours, and i am sick! sick sick sick....i will be THAT GIRL with the box of kleenex and the bleary, bitter eyes during Orientation. i will also be that honking mess in seat 12A, feared and despised for bringing her germs onto an enclosed, crowded, nine-hour, new-years-day flight.

that said, things are going better than expected. i did about a third of what i needed to this week, but i also got a really snazzy new bag on sale at macy's! and for the first time EVER, i saw some of the money that i made in high school, at that souless banana republic and the even more inexplicable Epinions. (i shouldn't knock it: Epinions landed me with about two dozen really cute little dolls.) i withdrew many many dollars from my previously untouched wells fargo account, and that will turn into many pounds sterling at the airport, and THAT will probably last me about two weeks in my new, expensive home.

the next ten days of my life are a complete mystery to me, so if i'm out of contact for a while, it's probably because "Orientation" turned out to be a romp in Northumberland or a week of hard labor for the already extortionist damned-to-hell Butler University---all without internet access. still, i should emerge on the 11th, ARRIVED AT OXFORD, in a pretty college in a pretty town that presumably has computers and things.

i must sleep soon, since i have to wake early and in terror tomorrow at the packing undone, etc.